Monday, January 10, 2011


I feel like I'm going to burst, because I need you
I'm not sure who you are, but I need to know soon
The waiting can't get any longer, and the temptations grow stronger each day.
Why can't they understand that I am no longer a baby, but a young woman with true feelings.
I feel like I will burst any minute, I am so filled with love, yet no one to share it with.
And when I am finally able to release that love, I don't think I'll be able to stop.


  1. i TOTALLY love this post of yours! it made me smile! and i'm SO happy for you to be feeling this way. it's like you are at the brink of the greatest adventure of your life so far--fearlessly. i think that if you focus just on BEING love and emitting love out into the Universe, instead of searching for particular objects of your love out of a possible feeling of lack, THEN your life will be FLOODED by all kinds of lovely things competing to gain your focus. they will be drawn unto you (because this is the order of the Universe) and you'll literally have the fight off your admirers with a stick! i like this so much--can i quote you and give you attribution in a future post of mine? i'll link you eagerly, of course, but i always ask permission before i do things like that. i'm just really pumped about the opportunity of sharing some of these excellent words of yours with some of my other blogger friends. i want them to know how talented of a writer you are, just as i do! xoxo

  2. Thanks for such a sweet comment and the advice, everything that you said is really true! And sure, you can quote me! :)
